Get Involved!


We have many leadership opportunities within the Fairbanks Education Association.  Click on the links below for more information on specific committees.  

Teacher Rights Chairs:  Jessica Iglesias

FEA Sick Leave Bank  Chair:  Kristen Dullen

Political Action:  Chair: Wendy Demers

Communications:  Chairs:  Melanie Bieniek and Paula Addis

Teaching and Learning:  Chair: William Voelkerding

Social and Service Committee: Kristen Dullen

Mentor-Mentee Program: Danette Peterson and Megan EIlers

Special Education: Annie Titus and Melodee Sonnenberg

LGBTQ Caucus: Abigail North

Joint Health Care: David DeVaughn, Jessica Iglesias, Patrick Frymark

American Indian and Alaska Native Caucus: Karen Dullen

 If you would like to become more involved in FEA - please fill out the form below.