Weingarten Rights
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my Association representative be present at the meeting.”
No one ever expects to need a Teacher Rights Representative, but, just when you least expect it, you or a colleague need a representative. One of the legal obligations of the Fairbanks Education Association, as exclusive bargaining agent for the certificated employees of the District, is to represent teachers in matters pertaining to the application of contract language or discipline.
Teachers Rights committee members are trained to advocate for teachers in situations which can be very trying for the individuals involved. Rights Committee members are trained to react professionally and treat all information strictly confidentially. In short, the Teacher Rights Committee is here to protect your rights, maintain your privacy, and process disputes through our resolution mechanism (the grievance procedure).
The Teacher Rights Committee may be contacted by calling FEA at 456-4435. The following list of committee members meet twice each month concerning teacher rights.